Around a month ago I had a revelation about climbing shoes and technique. A bit late in the day possibly after 30 years of climbing. Maybe I got lazy over the pandemic? Good shoes and footwork are intrinsicly linked - there is no doubt about that. But I decided to delve deeper into other people’s choices about when to wear their best climbing shoes.
Read MoreYou can’t see what is going on in someone’s head, but their body language gives a lot away. Tension in the mind has a knock on effect in our movement - affecting our ability to fluidly execute our technique. It’s also visible in the face - how many times has my pilates teacher told me to relax my neck?! Elite climbers have huge control over this tension firstly by awareness and secondly by diffusing it with a variety of techniques.
Read MoreThe retinal images sent to the brain of what we see are not pure, crystal clear 3D images. It is in actual fact, the brain that makes sense of the image. And that picture is an interpretation based on what we know of the world, our memory and imagination.
Read MoreOverall it takes a very long time to build up good technique. However there are some quick changes you can make to your technique that will have an immediate effect on improving your efficiency and movement.
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A fear of falling in climbing is evolutionary natural. It may not be something everyone admits to, but I can assume you the vast majority of climbers struggle with this. It’s quite normal and it’s absolutely not related to climbing grade. The following 5 reasons came out of a survey I did on instagram.